Installation & Maintenance
RF Test Solutions and our partners provide an extensive range of rugged field test tools to support the requirements of companies and individuals involved in the installation and maintenance of equipment and infrastructure in New Zealand.
For the Land Mobile Radio industry Freedom Communications off a selection of one box test solutions for analogue and digital radio (P25, DMR, Tetra, NxDN etc).
For the cellular teams DingLi provide a selection of network coverage and optimisation solutions from an App on a phone to dedicated equipment. Keysight Technologies provide the top selling FieldFox one box RF analyser in extensive civilian and military use in New Zealand and supplied by our company from Antarctica to the Pacific Islands.
Graphtec provide a selection of rugged easy to use portable data loggers and RF Test Solutions carries stock of the 3 most popular models, the GL100, GL240 and GL820.
If your requirements are for non-electical measurements the please visit our on-line store for hundreds of low cost tools to measure a wide range of physical parameters. Examples include parameters such as moisture, temperature, humidity, pressure, vibration, EMF, gas, PH, Chlorine, CO, Light, Sound and distance.
In addition to the specific areas above our partners offer a wide selection of general purpose electrical/electronic test tools for repair and installation of most equipment. Please visit our, and our partners web sites for more information or contact us with your specific requirements.