Equipment Sales » Technical Security and Surveillance
Technical Security and Surveillance
RF Sensing & Monitoring Networks

RF Test Solutions supplies RF Sensors and Spectrum Monitoring solutions and components from Keysight Technolgies and ThinkRF. Hardware consists of either dedicated high speed (GHz per second sweep rate) receivers/scanners, or more generic Spectrum Analyser based solutions. A number of pre-written software applications are available, or you can write your own. Applications include spectrum monitoring & regulation for enforcement agencies, band owners, and regulators. Military and civilian users can use a RF Receiver Network with full DF capability including TDOA geo-location to identify the location of a transmitter. Examples might include illegal transmitters inside a building, or location of a Drone operator.
Signals Intelligence

RF Test Solutions represents both Keysight Technologies and ThinkRF for TSCM and Signals Intelligence/analysis tools. These include high speed surveillance receivers with analysis software including links to 3rd party decoders and signal recognition tools. RF Sensor Networks also provide geolocation and recording/decode capability. Applications include building and facility security, Drone and operator location and more. Please contact us for more information.
Spectral Awareness

ThinkRF have a range of affordable Ethernet based Real Time Spectrum Analysers designed for a range of applications from general spectral awareness in a room, building or site. A range of software tools including 3rd party advanced collection and analysis options are available for a more comprehensive solution. Keysight Technologies also offers solutions based on their RF Sensor and a range of hand held RF Spectrum Analysers.