Equipment Sales » RF Safety
RF Safety
Worker RF Safety

Microwave Vision Group offer a range of RF Safety monitors for worker safety and public safety applications. Worker safety solutions consist of a range of wearable monitors and exposure recorders for workers and contractors concerned about RF exposure and Health & Safety. For general telecom, LMR and radio/wireless applications the 80MHz to 6GHz model is often suitable. For workers around microwave equipment there are models operating up to 40GHz. Workers around RADAR equipment (military, Aviation, weather etc) are supported by a specific version able to detect the very short pulses of energy of these systems. Please go to our Downloads page for a full MVG RF Safety catalogue.
Public RF Safety

Microwave Vision Group offer portable RF Safety monitoring instruments for regulators, installers and operators of RF equipment and environments. They also have fixed mounted monitoring solutions and antenna for standard measuring instruments such as Spectrum Analysers and Measuring Receivers as well as Electromagnetic Exposure Simulation Software. Please go to our Downloads page for a full catalogue.