Equipment Sales » LMR and General Communications
LMR and General Communications
Military Communications Test

Keysight Technologies offer a suite of options for R&D, manufacturing, depot testing, and monitoring/analysis of Military Radio & Communications products and systems. Common examples of field level test tools are the FieldFox and the K8920A products. Please call us with your requirements and we will let you know if we can help. RF Test Solutions has appropriately qualified staff to talk with you and we offer a range of measurement service options including availability of a 4.8m x 3.6m Belling Lee Shielded Room in our Lower Hutt headquarters. For one box testers of commercial formats such as DMR, P25, TETRA, NxDN etc our partner Freedom Communication Technologies offers an excellent choice.
RF One Box Communications Test Sets
Band Clearing

Our partners Keysight Technologies, Freedom Communication Technologies and ThinkRF offer solutions for band clearing and interference tracing. From Keysight the most popular solution is the FieldFox hand held RF Analyser. ThinkRF offer a selection of Ethernet based Real Time Spectrum Analysers and Freedom Communication Technologies one box test sets have full featured spectrum analysers. Location based data logging/collection and export to maps as well as specialist interference tools are available. To go one step further see our section on Technical Security for a solution with full geo-location for interference source tracking.