Equipment Sales » Compliance and Certification Testing
Compliance and Certification Testing
EMC/EMI Emissions Testing

RF Test Solutions is able to provide full solutions for compliance and pre-compliance of EMC conducted and radiated emissions. Receivers come from Keysight Technologies in a selection of frequency increments and as either compliance or pre-compliance. Antenna for radiated measurements and LISN for conducted measurements come from Ametek Compliance (Teseq). Microwave Vision Group (Rainford EMC) supply test chambers and Teseq GTEMS. We are also able to provide all the ancillary items including cables and adaptors, software etc. Please contact us for help configuring your solution. A special note, our laboratory has the special pulse modulator required to verify the correct performance of CISPR filters and detectors so we are able to provide calibration certificates for compliance receivers.
EMC/EMI Susceptibility

RF Test Solutions is able to offer a full EMC/EMI susceptibility system from the chamber from Microwave Vision Group (Rainford EMC), to the antenna, clamps etc from Ametek Compliance (Teseq & EM TEST), and the amplifiers from Ametek Compliance (Teseq, IFI and Milmega). Please contact us for more information or visit our partners for more information.
Wireless Standards Compliance

We are able to supply solutions for testing and certification of wireless standards including cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth, LMR etc through a series of products and solutions from Keysight Technologies, Microwave Vision Group, DingLi, and Ametek Compliance Test. As this is a complex subject we recommend you contact us for further information and advice.
Electrical Safety Testing

RF Test Solutions provides electrical safety testers from the Ikonix group under Associated Research and SCI brands, These are full standards compliance testing instruments measuring the likes of Hipot, Ground Bond, Insulation resistance, Touch Current etc and are not to be confused with the likes of Portable Appliance Testers which cannot be used for design or manufacturing applications. Ametek Compliance via their EM TEST brand also offer electrostatic discharge test tools. Regulatory compliance is a complex area so please contact us for help.
Computer Interface Compliance Testing

Keysight Technologies offers a wide range of interface and bus compliance testing solutions including communications interfaces such as USB, Ethernet, HDMI, CAN etc as well as internal bus systems such as DDR. Many of the solutions involve high speed pulse/function generators and high speed oscilloscopes with special applications software. Please let us know what your requirements are and we can confirm if we can help.
Electrical Interference and Immunity Testing

Ametek offer a series of AC single and 3 phase sources and analysis systems for testing for electrical compliance. Sources can test a products ability to withstand spikes and brown-outs as well as perform correctly with distorted AC power. The analysis measurements allow assessment of a products contribution to load distortion and information around the nature of the relationship of voltage and current. Ametek also have a range of low voltage DC generators designed for testing a products ability to operate with transients and dips in voltage in for example automotive and telecom applications.