Equipment Sales » Calibration Standards
Calibration Standards
Multi-Function Calibrators

Meatest specialise in affordable single function and multi-function calibrators and programmable standards for commercial and in-house calibration laboratories.A range of models with performance to suit calibration of up to 6.5 digit multimeters. They also produce an impedance calibrator for calibration of LCR bridges as well as specialised high voltage/high resistance calibrators. For more information please click the Meatest logo or go to our downloads page for a full product catalogue.
Physical Standards

RF Test Solutions distributes physical standards of different levels of precision from 3 manufacturers. Meatest produce Resistance Decades, Resistance Standards, Capacitance Standards and Inductance Standards as secondary standards for the calibration of bench instruments including impedance bridges. Andeen Hagerling manufacturers the highest performance metrology grade capacitance standards in the world as well as capacitance measurement bridges. Guildline manufacture Quantum Hall Resistance Systems, Primary Resistance Standards, Secondary Resistance Standards, Transfer Resistance Standards, Precision Resistance Decades, Current Shunts and AC/DC Current Transformers. Please select the logo on the right hand side of this page for more information or view each manufacturers catalogue on our downloads page.
Programmable Resistance & Impedance Standards

Meatest offer a range of manual and programmable Resistance, Capacitance, Inductance and integrated Impedance calibrators for general laboratories. Andeen Hagerling specialises in metrology grade Capacitance standards and Guildline manufacture a range of metrology grade programmable resistance standards and systems. Please click on a logo on the right or go to our downloads page for full catalogues.
Power & Energy Calibrators
Voltage & Current Calibrators

Guildline manufacture metrology grade voltage and current sources and transconductance amplifiers. Meatest manufacture laboratory grade voltage and current sources. For instrumentation grade power supplies able to be used as voltage and current sources Keysight Technologies and Ametek Programmable Power have almost an unlimited selection.
High Voltage High Resistance Calibrators
Temperature Measurements & Standards

Whilst most of our partners offer temperature measurement including Keysight Technologies, Graphtec and Adlink, others including Meatest offer temperature probe simulation for laboratory grade calibration of temperature recording instruments. Guildline offer metrology grade temperature measurement instruments and systemsto the highest precision available. Please either click on their logo or go to our download page for a complete catalogue.
Fluid & Air Baths
Fixed Resistance & Impedance Standards

Meatest offer a selection of fixed Resistance, Capacitance and Inductance standards for calibration laboratories including ranges specifically to calibrate LCR meters. Guildline specialise in Metrology grade air and oil bath resistance standards and Andeen Hagerling offer a selection of capacitance standards. Please select our partners logo on the right of go to the downloads page for more information.